Care Tips For Your Broken Teeth

5 Tips For Taking Care Of Damaged Teeth

Your teeth can be considered one of the entrances to your body via the mouth. As you stretch your lips and facial muscles to smile, they’re the first part someone notices. They also serve as the initial point of contact for food and beverages as they start their journey down the digestive tract.

While caring for your teeth is important when they are healthy, it becomes even more so if they are damaged. Official government statistics show that 96% of Canadians have a history of tooth decay and damage.

Maintaining good dental health is essential. You can do several actions to preserve the health of your oral cavity, from brushing twice a day to flossing at least once a day and scheduling routine dental visits. On top of that, when you know you have damaged teeth, it becomes imperative to change your dental health regimen and take more drastic action.

Some Care Tips For Your Broken Or Chipped Teeth

There are numerous dental ailments you might suffer from. Sensitivity caused by CTS (cracked tooth syndrome) is a common problem many people ignore. This happens when cracks in the enamel and dentin layer extend into the pulp chamber and expose the nerve ending. As a result, people experience sharp pain while eating and drinking, especially when the temperature is either too hot or cold. You can learn more about this dental issue with the help of this guide on cracked tooth syndrome: symptoms & treatment before visiting a dentist. That said, here are some ways to look after your teeth and gums, especially damaged ones:

1. Make sure to visit a dentist regularly

According to data from a recent Health Canada Report, the percentage of the population that visits a dentist regularly has increased from 49.5% to 74.5% over the past 40 years, indicating that Canadians as a whole have an increasing propensity to take care of their teeth and gums. Are you also concerned about your oral health? If yes, schedule a visit to your dentist once every six months in case your teeth are healthy, but more commonly when they are damaged.

Dentists provide in-depth consultations and treatments when you have teeth and gum issues. Meeting with a dentist enables you to determine your starting point. You can get answers to various queries, such as what is the state of your mouth and teeth right now. Do you exhibit any developing issues that could eventually become serious difficulties? Do you have any other underlying dental issues or not?

Regular visits with a dentist also help you become aware of the things to watch out for, such as food items that are a regular part of your diet yet are a major cause of cavities. You also become aware of the right ways to brush your teeth and how frequently you should floss.

2. Limit consumption of teeth-damaging foods

Taking care of your food is one of the more crucial aspects of maintaining proper oral hygiene. Despite their widespread use, coffee and soda are the main contributors to tooth decay and discoloration. Similar harm is done to the gums and teeth over time by chewy, sticky candies and other foods high in sugar.

In addition to avoiding these foods and drinks, replace them with more nutritious options such as leafy and green vegetables, fruits, and nuts. You can occasionally eat some of the ‘dangerous’ items, but quickly brush and thoroughly floss afterward. Also, follow your dentist’s advice regarding the condition you may have in your teeth.

3. You’ll need to go beyond just floss and regular brushing

For a lot of people, dental care consists of merely brushing. Nevertheless, everyone who wants to give the best possible attention to their teeth needs to increase the scope of their oral hygiene regimen. This calls for regular use of additional dental hygiene products in addition to brushing and flossing.

Depending on your gums and teeth condition, your dentist may recommend different products. Tongue cleaners, oral irrigators, interdental cleaners, and mouthwashes are typical dental hygiene products. One thing to be careful about is to use these products after considering your dentist’s advice, especially if you have damaged teeth.

4. Brush twice a day or more, depending on your needs

We are taught this as children, but somewhere along the way, the habit fades. Some people just brush once a day, while others don’t bother. Although it may appear like a minor issue, poor brushing habits eventually lead to cavities, which can even result in teeth falling out.

Experts advise making brushing twice a day a non-negotiable rule if you want to avoid this inconvenience. To ensure that no hard-to-remove particles of food are left lingering in your oral cavity, it is preferable to clean your teeth even after each meal.

Bacteria can feed on these particles as food. The same microorganisms can eventually lead to tooth decay, causing discomfort and anguish. Dentists advise patients to wash their teeth for two minutes at least twice daily. For optimal results, try spending at least a half-minute in each corner of the mouth while rotating the brush in a circular motion. For the best results, ensure you get to every surface and corner of the cavity.

5. Flossing is also essential

While brushing two times a day is recommended, flossing has all but disappeared from most people’s routines. This is mostly because only a few people know the advantages and effective flossing procedures. The dental cavity has many deep fissures and recesses where food particles might become lodged. The only method you have to get rid of them is by flossing because your brush’s bristles can never reach these areas. As a result, it’s essential to include two minutes of nightly flossing in your oral hygiene regimen.

Flossing may sting if you’ve got sensitive gums at first, but everything will return to normal within a few days.


Caring for damaged teeth is a more challenging task than looking after normal ones. This is why it is important not to let your teeth get damaged in the first place. However, if the damage is something that was beyond your control, it is important to consult a dentist and begin treatment while asking them about the best oral care regimen to follow.

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