Amanda Batula Weight Loss Journey

Amanda Batula’s Weight Loss Journey: Diet and Workout Routine

Amanda Batula is a native of the United States. She is a graphic designer, art director, and stylist, and she is also a reality TV star. Her breakthrough performance came in the first episode of the Bravo series Summer House. Although she was only around for a short time, she left quite an impression.

To the point that Season 2 of Summer House needs her back. Amanda Batula will be returning for the upcoming sixth season of Summer House on Bravo TV.

When she’s not filming the reality programme, Amanda works as the company’s art director and graphic designer. The business produces luxury drinks and canned sparkling hard tea. Amanda co-founded the business with her long-term lover and future husband, Kyle Cooke.

It’s not just Summer House that features Kyle. After the conclusion of Season 5, viewers are looking forward to seeing Amanda and Kyle’s marriage develop in the upcoming Season 6.

After a thorough introduction to Amanda Batula, we can now discuss her efforts on how Amanda Batula managed to lose weight. The reactions to Amanda’s slimming down were mixed. Some others thought she was only trying to look good in her wedding dress. Whatever it was, she put forth a lot of effort and shed some pounds. Amanda Batula, the attractive girl, has a simple weight loss plan that anyone may follow.

How Did Amanda Batula Lose Weight?

When a well-known person undergoes a radical transformation, the public takes notice. Exactly that occurred after Amanda Batula’s weight decrease. The Summer House actress is also a social media sensation, so her admirers scrutinise her every move. While being interviewed, Amanda said,

I realise it seems like a great difference from how I appeared before (and I wasn’t exactly massive), but the weight increase was gradual and distributed across my body, including my face. But that year I gained so much weight that I had to replace my whole outfit.

After her debut in Season 1 of “The Summer House,” admirers took note when she seemed thinner. Amanda never really put on much weight to begin with since she has always maintained a healthy and active lifestyle. She lost almost 20 pounds. It’s amazing to witness Amanda’s body transformation and her weight loss journey make herself seem even better, and her half a million Instagram followers flocked to her page to express their admiration.

Let’s get to know the reality star better before we get into the specifics of her diet and exercise plan.

Amanda Batula’s Weight Loss Begins at the Start of the Movie

Amanda’s weight was never a major problem for her. Some could call her “chubby,” but it didn’t make her any less beautiful. However, she made some changes to her look when she was cast as a major role in the second season of Summer House.

Even Amanda doesn’t remember how much she weighed before. She said in an interview that she never checks her weight since she is confident with her appearance as it is. However, we are aware that she now weighs about 110 pounds.

For the most part, Amanda’s weight reduction may be attributed to her time spent at Summer House. We don’t mind; it’s only natural. You want to look your best when you know you’ll be on TV, so you take extra care with your appearance. Amanda always leaves a positive impression. And I’m down to the same size I was in university. And it makes me pleased beyond words,” she said

Amanda Batula Diet

Amanda wasn’t all that keen on a drastic weight loss. She only wanted to improve her appearance by following Amanda Batula workout routine. So, to create a healthy eating plan that wasn’t too rigid, she saw a nutritionist. The ‘intermittent fasting approach’ was the first one she tried. And she began included the “bulletproof” beverage in her regimen.

She thinks that intermittent fasting was the key reason in her weight loss, despite the fact that she followed the FODMAP diet for a long period.

At the same time, she admitted to her followers during an Instagram Q&A session that she often gave in to her cravings and ate the meals she craved. Amanda mostly stuck to a healthy diet, although she would sometimes indulge in a burger or a browny.

Her spouse has mentioned that she avoids processed foods and sweets as part of her diet. She has switched to a diet rich in lean proteins, vegetables, and healthy grains.

What’s Amanda Batula’s Fitness Routine?

The story of Amanda Batula’s weight loss has taken an intriguing turn. Amanda has been clean about her lack of fitness, which is not typical among celebrities. No fitness centres are available.

She used to spend a lot of time at the gym, but now she finds it counterproductive. 

She thus focused on diet plan and eating to keep her weight stable, and it has served her well.

She quickly won the hearts of a great number of people. Once Amanda began spending time at the summer cottage in the second season, she experienced a significant swing in her weight. She dropped a stunning amount of weight. Although it’s common known that dieting might be challenging in situations like these, it’s important to remember that it’s not impossible.

Amanda has lost over 20 pounds in the two years that have passed since her original visit to the Summer House during Season 1. Since Amanda is not one hundred percent sure of the figure, the estimate cannot be considered to be precise. She revealed the following when she was responding to queries on Instagram:

“During Season 2, which was also my first complete season, I reached my highest weight. Because I didn’t want to know how much weight I’ve lost, I didn’t go on the scale, so I have no clue how much I’ve lost, but it’s probably somewhere between fifteen and twenty pounds.

One of the stars of “Summer House” was able to lose more than 15 pounds in a very short period of time. The actress said that she had no idea how much weight she carried since she never stood on a scale. She has a reasonable objective in mind for her weight reduction, which is to return to the size she was when she was in college. It is extraordinary and unprecedented that she was able to lose a significant amount of weight without significantly altering her diet. By making a few simple tweaks to her eating routine, Amanda was able to successfully reduce several pounds.

The Impact of a Disease on Amanda Batula

Amanda suffered from the intestinal disorder Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) for around seven years. It’s a sign that there are more dangerous bacteria than helpful ones in your digestive system.

At that time, she decided to begin the low FODMAP diet. She had a lot of success with FODMAP after the drugs for SIBO had failed. She overcame SIBO after taking FODMAP for three years and is now healthy and active.

Amanda Batula Weight Loss Before And After Photos

1. Amanda Batula before weight loss

amanda batula before weight loss

1. Amanda Batula after weight loss

Amanda after weight loss photo


Amanda Batula, the star from Bravo’s Summer House, has been on a weight loss journey to improve her overall health and wellness. She announced her decision to make a change in February of 2020 and has since lost an impressive 20 pounds. Her transformation is not only evident in photos but also through the way she carries herself with newfound confidence.

Her story reminds us that true success comes from within, and through hard work and a focus on self-care, one can achieve remarkable transformations both physically and emotionally. Amanda Batula’s weight loss journey is a shining example of what is possible when we believe in ourselves and take charge of our own health and happiness.

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