Emily Skye Workout

Emily Skye Workout – 7 Day Fitness Plan for Women

Hey readers, today’s topic is very fascinating because today we’re going to talk about the Australian Fitness Model.

Emily Skye Full Body Workout – 

Emily Skye is famous not only in Australia but as well as in the whole world. She becomes a role model for every fitness freak woman in the world.

Emily had a great experience in weight training and also in much other training

She also made a pre-plan of 7 days workout for full-body training. Emily Skye also follows this workout plan and she gets. 

Results for her to become a fitness model

We’re here going to review this 7-day workout plan. Emily makes this plan day by day schedule.

So, let’s start: 

A 7-Day Weight-Loss Workout Plan


1. Day 1: Rest Day

According to Emily we should do less workout or stretch on the first day of the session. Many people make a mistake that on the first day of the gym they did lots of exercises. It will increase the chance of injury in our body because we had not practiced that kind of weight training.

Do not do more exercise. Give rest to your body and Muscles with normal weight training and less body stretching.

2. Day 2: Upper Body workout

On Day 2, you can start upper body workout. These exercises should be done after the warm-up of 5 minutes. We can do rope-skipping, Push-ups, and many other activities. After the warm-up, we do some exercise which is given below: –


  • One bench
  • 2 dumbbells (DB)
  • Round 1: four sets
  • 12× DB bench press
  • 12× standing bent row

Round one completed take rest of 60 seconds

Round 2: Four sets

  • 12 times DB knee row
  • 12 times DB military press
  • Take rest of 60 seconds
  • Round 3: Four sets
  • Can do 10 knee push-ups
  • 15× Air

Upper body workout is done but warm up before work out is necessary to blood pumping.

3. Day 3: Lower Body workout

After upper body workout, we’ll proceed to lower body workout. It helps to give shape to our lower body parts.


  • Single bench
  • 2 dumbbells (DB)

Round 1

Round one contains 10× DB Squats, DB lunge, Deadlift and after that take a rest of 60 seconds. This will help your body to become more flexible than before.

Round 2

In round 2 we’re going to do 10 × crusty lunges with No weight and 12 kettlebell swings.

 Round 3

After taking rest from Round 2 we’re going for round 3 exercises.

In round three where 20 × butterfly kick by each leg, 20 ×Ankle Tap by each leg and do step-ups × 10. This will help to make your lower body parts strong

 The lower body workout is also a massive training work-out which makes you lower body parts like Thai, Hips and lower muscles strong or as well as flexible.

4. Day 4: – Again Rest Day

After doing a decent workout for the upper and lower body the body requires having a rest of a day. If you can’t stay without a Gym you can do yoga.

After the heavy work-out, the body needs rest and this is what that you have to give to your body to avoid the risk of injury. 

5. Day 5: – Tabata Training/ Circuit Training

After the rest of the day, you can start the training which is said to be the best training for weight loss. This circuit training is called a Tabata training which is very helpful for weight loss. Tabata refers to a condition that the work out is done only for 20 seconds and after that, you can take the rest of 20 seconds.

Necessary Equipment

  • One bench and one Swiss all
  • One kettle bee
  • One Barbell
  • And floor mats

Do the Tabata maximum for 4 minutes

Firstly, we had to do some Deadlifts with lightweight after that we had to do Air Squats, Step-ups we also can-do Swiss ball Crunch and Kettlebells swings as an additional exercise. This will be done via TABATA.

When we do TABATA our body learns to react quickly in reverse of the environment around us.

6. Day 6: – Upper body workout

This upper body workout is a little bit different from the previous upper body workout. In this Upper body workout, you can do the training to improve your tone of Back and your arms. Do a 5-minute warm-up before starting the workout. We had to do four sets of each of the rounds mentioned below.

Round 1

  • 10 Band pullups
  • 10 DB military press
  • Rest of 1 minute

Round 2

  • 8 DB bench presses
  • 8 kneeling dump ells

 Round 3

  • 10 upright Kettle row
  • 10 kettlebell (Swing)
  • Rest of 60 seconds

 Round 4

  • 20 seconds of Swingball Crunch
  • 15 right-left Plank
  • Rest of 40 seconds

This upper body workout is necessary and the most important work-out day in the whole session because it helps to give you a great back and strong arms.

7. Day 7: – Circuit

Emily ends this session with circuit training. She thinks that circuit training is very important for the human body. This training is not only to train your body but helps to improve brain ability.

Necessary Equipment

  • Floor mat
  • Kettlebell
  • Medicine ball
  • 5 Rounds – 5 Exercises
  • V-ups maximum of 10
  • 2. Medicine ball slams (15 Overhead)
  • 3. Climbers× 20
  • 4. Plank lift (5 per leg)
  • 5. Kettle beg front (10)

This exercise will help us to improve our heart rate and also helpful in burning Complex fat from the body you have to do all exercise without rest and after completing them you can take a rest of 90 seconds. 


According to Emily if a person who is doing these exercises regularly becomes always fit. She also said in the interview that this 7-day fitness works out also help him to become a fitness model.

Email Skye’s fitness reviews are also followed by many actors. 

So, here we saw all the related information about Emily Skye’s work out review.  Hope you like.

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