P90X Workout Schedule

The P90X Workout Schedule (Lean, Doubles, Classic)

Are you looking for P90X Workout Schedule, then you came at the right place. Here we will share the guide on P90X Workout Schedule for Lean, Doubles, Classic Programs.

Why are health and fitness important?

A person will be full of life only if he is fit and healthy. Once your health starts to deteriorate, your body is no longer in your control. Your disease starts to take over, and soon your body shuts down. Not just that, but as you grow older, your health will worsen. Your heart starts to face problems, your lungs will begin to weaken, and your whole body functionality will lag a bit. That is where having a good food and fitness regimen will help you.

As long as you have good health, your mind, body, mental fitness, etc., will be sharper, stronger, and faster, and your cognitive capabilities will improve. The first step to achieving the goal is to have a healthy diet plan. When I say eat healthily, I don’t mean eating bland food. You can cook multiple recipes using healthy ingredients that are tasty and will also help you build muscle. And then you have to get a good fitness regimen in place. Moving your body every day should be as important to you as breathing air or drinking water.

So how exactly can you start your body fitness regimen?

How to start your fitness journey

Any movement in your body is better than no movement at all when you start your fitness journey. Therefore, your first step will be to move. You can jumpstart your day by light walking and increasing your speed and type as days pass. Remember that good results always take time, and us advancing one step at a time offers more benefits than jumping to the complicated workouts (which might even hurt you if you don’t know the right way). Start your fitness journey by having a goal in your mind. It can be to get in shape, improve your health, metabolism, heart health, lung capacity, etc. But have a goal in mind. Having a plan will act as a constant motivation for you to move forward and not quit. When you start your fitness journey, you will find it challenging to progress, but don’t give up yet.

About P90X Workout

P90X Workout Schedule is one of the most famous exercise routines you can ever come across. One is the classic, the second one is double, and the last one is lean. Every one of these routines has another goal that will shape your body accordingly. We all would have imagined having a summer body, and P90X Workout will make that happen. One vital aspect that you shouldn’t forget is that the Workout is not for beginners. It would help if you had some practice in exercising before you jump into the plan. The trainers broke down the whole program into four weeks. The difficulty level of your exercise increases every week, making your body more flexible and toned. The fitness regimen is so that anyone who follows it can see a visible change in their body if they do it consistently and pair their exercise routine with healthy food and behavioral habits.

About Lean, Doubles, and Classic

Here is a detailed view of the three available fitness programs .

  • The lean routine includes more cardio and wants to drop the excess fat on your body by building healthy muscle. If you are a person who does not want too much strength but just enough to make you fit, then this is the regimen for you.
  • The Classic work routine is specifically for people who want to work on their endurance by simultaneously melting the excess fat on their bodies. It is a combination of yoga, pilates, cardio, and strength training.
  • The doubles routine is for people who have more fitness experience or someone who has experience using the P90X Workout plan. It is a fast-paced plan that will help you reach your goal within three months.

The P90X Workout Schedule has a positive effect when people take all three programs together. You can see changes in your body according to the routine you follow and know the difference between the three plans.

If you are a beginner (a first-time trainee), we recommend you go for either the lean or classic program. Once you end that, then you can enroll yourself into the doubles workout.

P90x Workout Schedule (Classic)

  • Phase 1

Phase 1 will go on for the first three weeks.

  1. The first day is all about the chest, back, and abs. The workouts are focused on strengthening your core muscles.
  2. On day two, your main point of focus will be the polymetric
  3. Day 3 is a full-packed session of abs, shoulders, and arms.
  4. On day 4, you will start to do yoga for flexibility.
  5. On day 5, you focus on your leg workout, back workout, and also Abs.
  6. On day six it’s about Kenpo
  7. Day 7 is a rest day, and you can do mild stretches if you want to.

The next part of phase 1 is a vigorous workout session that goes on in week 4. The seven-day plan is as follows.

  1. Your triceps are the main focal point here, with chest and shoulder workouts added to the routine. You will also concentrate on your abs.
  2. Day two is all about plyometrics.
  3. Your back and biceps will have a field day on day three, along with some ab exercises to strengthen your core.
  4. Day 4 is all about recovery and stretching.
  5. On day 5, you work on your core.
  6. Day 6 is for yoga
  7. Day 7 is a rest day for recovery.
  • Phase 2

Phase 2 concentrates from week 5 to 8, and the workout routine is similar to that of phase 1, but the exercises are a bit difficult.

  • Phase 3

Phase 3 goes on from week 9 to week 13—the same exercises but with increased endurance.

P90x Workout Schedule (Lean)

  • Phase 1
  1. On day 1, you will work on your core and build as much strength as you can.
  2. Day two is full of intense cardio workouts that will help you burn fat.
  3. Day 3, your focus will be on your shoulders, arms, and abs. You work on them simultaneously.
  4. Day 4 is all about yoga and flexibility.
  5. On day 5, you concentrate on Kempo.
  6. On day 6, your focus muscles will be a leg, back, and abs.
  7. Day 7 is a rest day. To keep the continuity going, you can do stretches.
  • Phase 2

Phase 2 concentrates from week 5 to 8, and the workout routine is similar to that of phase 1, but the exercises are a bit difficult.

  • Phase 3

Phase 3 goes on from week 9 to week 13—the same exercises but with increased endurance.

P90x Workout Schedule (Doubles)

It is a very intense program, and therefore you should be careful and thorough when you follow it.

  • Phase 1

Phase 1 will go on for the first four weeks.

  1. It combines the chest, back, and ab exercises that will help you strengthen your whole body.
  2. Day 2 is all about plyometrics and strength training.
  3. On day three, you work on your shoulder and arm muscles.
  4. Day 4 is all about yoga (intense yoga that will make you sweat out all the fat).
  5. On day 5, your primary focus will be on your legs, i.e., your lower body, along with your abs.
  6. On day 6, it’s all about Kempo.
  7. Day 7 is a recovery day, and therefore you will do mild stretches.
  • Phase 2

Phase 2 concentrates from week 5 to 8, and the workout routine is similar to that of phase 1, but the exercises are a bit difficult.

  • Phase 3

Phase 3 goes on from week 9 to week 13—the same exercises but with increased endurance.

Who is it for?

Fitness, in general, has no limit. No matter the age, people should exercise regularly to get fit. But if you have enough strength and capacity, then you can go ahead and take it up.

You should have motivation driving you forward if you want to take up the challenge. It is an intense 90 days workout plan, and one slip may cost you a whole week of effort. Therefore, if you are not ready to give their 100% to the cause, this program is not for you. The P90X Workout will get you good results, and therefore you need to be committed to it. No matter what, you should complete your Workout for the day. Usually, people continue their routine for two months and tend to stop. You must complete the whole program from first to last with minimum glitches. As long as you can put in all your efforts, the program will help you reach your goal (sometimes a bit early).

It would help if you had a few types of equipment like dumbles, etc. We recommend that you visit a gym for the plan to work well.

Therefore, if you want to take up the program, you should be ready to work hard. You have to show 100% dedication and follow the plan properly till the end.

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