Total Gym Reviews

The Total Gym Reviews – Just For Working Out at Home?

For those people who are actually very much serious about maintaining a high level of fitness, the Total Gym series of the home gyms equipment are one of the best options at present. The Total Gym workouts sessions tend to be highly functional and the materials are of the best quality. If you are looking to strengthen exercise equipment, these are the two fields that you absolutely cannot neglect. With the Total Gym series, you will be getting a variety of options to choose from which can select gym equipment of all types, from simple to complex, and from expensive to affordable.

Before we dive into the Total Gym reviews, we are going to look at the few basic concepts at first. This will help you to understand the idea of Total Gym correctly.

Total Gym Workout Quick Overview

The range of home workout tools from Total Gym is well known over the quality of the products that they have provided over the years. All of these machines are so designed that they will help you get a workout that consists of the full body with the help of a single machine. The workout becomes functional as the resistance of the machine works with using your bodyweight. The working of the Total Gym Home Gyms are quite simple yet effective. The board has everything built around it so that the frame allows easy up and down movement of the parts. The resistance can be easily adjusted by changing the inclination level of the board. When the incline is steeper, the resistance is higher. Hence, you will need to give more effort in moving your body against the machine.

When the machine configuration gets changed, or when the different accessories are added to the machine, your workout pattern will also change accordingly. Your body weight can be moved differently on different settings of the machine. If you want to do squats, you need to use the squat stand at the bottom and use your legs to push up the weight. If you want to do rows, you will need to sit on the board in an upright position, and use the cable pulley handles to pull your weight in the backward direction.

Is It Worth The Cost?

One of the primary mistakes that the other fitness training equipment companies do is that they opt for an inferior quality hook. Since the demand is for affordable equipment, this decision is quite understandable. This way, the manufacturing process becomes both cheap and fast. However, this makes the products lose out to functionality and durability. This is where Total Gym fitness equipment. The frames used in the equipment of Total Gym  are made of strong tubular grade steel. The materials such as bushings, rollers, and the bearings are of the best quality. Hence, the products are not much cheap. However, the durability of these Total Gym products is outstanding, and the warranty period provided by Total Gym is also one of the best in the industry.

The accessories available with the various gym equipment of Total Gym vary much with the different models that are available. However, all these accessories come equipped with attachments that are extremely useful. The Total Gym equipment we are going to review below contains the options where you can perform squats, abs crunching, and various other exercises. Fitness equipment of other brands often leave these options out. Since Total Gym products have a much better manufacturing and engineering process, and come with the best materials, the stability of these products is also outstanding. With a higher price, the products available from Total Gym are absolutely unmatched on the market at present.

The Best Total Gym Equipment Reviews

The reviews for five of the Best Rated Total Gym Home Gyms are given below. Read on to know what each of these products has to offer to provide you with a great full body workout experience.

Total Gym Home Gyms

Price Range Check Price

Total Gym Supreme

Total Gym Supreme

Mid  Check Price

Total Gym XLS

Mid Check Price

Total Gym FIT

Total Gym FIT

High Check Price

Total Gym GTS

High Check Price

Total Gym Force

High Check Price

1. Total Gym Supreme – Best Home Gym 

Total Gym Supreme

The Total Gym equipment of the Supreme is one of the popular home gym due to its low cost budget. There are many people who want to set up a home gym, and are unable to spend too much for it. Even with a tight budget, if you are looking for a high versatility, then this device by Total Gym is probably the best option that you have. To help the people who have a low budget, this equipment can be paid on a half yearly payment plan.

You have the options to do multiple exercises on this option, and there are over 60 different types of exercises available for performing. The abs crunches are also included. Additional to the equipment, you will also be getting an accessory for leg pull, and a stand for oval squat. However, with a budget friendly manufacturing, the stability is not one of the best ones, as per the standard of the Total Gym lineup. Due to this low cost, the versatility of the wing attachment is also absent. However, the best inclusion of this device is the accessory for abs crunch. This is one of the primary reasons why this product is so popular. With the use of the attachment, ten options of crunching are available which are highly effective for core sculpting.

As a result, the response towards this product is highly positive. With a little noise, and a little less stability, this product still has to offer a lot with the asked price. For those who are looking to buy a full body workout that is well affordable, extremely durable, and has a great versatility, the Total Gym Supreme is the option to choose. This device is basically the best budget choice of the Total Gym Home Gyms lineup.

[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”CHECK CURRENT PRICE” link=”#” rel=”nofollow”][i2pros]Good for the amateurs
Highly affordable[/i2pros][i2cons]Performance is a bit noisy
Stability is average[/i2cons][/i2pc]

2. Total Gym XLS – At-Home Workouts

If you are looking for the best compact home gym, then the Total Gym XLS model is a very good option. The build quality is great, and the accessories are much better than you would expect. Over 80 different types of exercises can be performed in this device. The cost is a bit higher, and the category can be said to be in the mid-range. Among the various home exercise equipment of the Total Gym lineup, this product has one of the best values for performance. The versatility level is high, and this product also has a substantial weight limit. You will be getting the versatile wing attachment and the oval squat stand with this device. This is a great inclusion.

Additionally, the Total Gym XLS also comes with an included plan for nutrition, which has been developed by the famous fitness expert, Dan Isaacson. The addition of the training deck in this device also makes it extremely useful. For the beginners, the steps and posture of the various possible exercises are provided in simple illustrative displays.

The abs crunch accessory would have even a really nice addition to this product, which unfortunately misses out. The crunches can still be done manually though, with the wing attachment used as the holding point, and using the knees to slide the board to and fro. However, this exercise has to be performed by maintaining the correct form strictly. Otherwise, it can be ineffective and can give rise to soreness. This workout equipment also is not completely noise free, and some sound does occur when the device is used. The greater width of the board is a hit, and the product definitely feels rock solid. For people with a higher body weight, this is a perfect device as it can accommodate a total weight of 400 pounds. In many ways, this product of Total Gym is one of the most balanced home gym trainer, with cost and features balanced amazingly.

[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”CHECK CURRENT PRICE” link=”″ rel=”nofollow”][i2pros]High versatility
Wing attachment included
Substantial weight limit[/i2pros][i2cons]Not noiseless
Slightly less stability
Absence of abs crunch accessory[/i2cons][/i2pc]

3. Total Gym FIT

Total Gym FIT

The Total Gym FIT is another of the best home gym equipment that is well built and is very solid in nature. The possibilities of exercises are many, and there are multiple useful accessories included as well. The abs cruncher is included in this device, and the wide oval squat stand is included as well. With the inclusion of these two accessories, you can perform numerous different exercises. Upto 85 types of different exercises can be performed, and the wing attachment that comes in two-piece is highly useful in this matter. As there are two different pieces, the angle captured is much better. Hence, your exercise variations automatically increase, and your form is also well maintained.

This device comes with an 18.5 inches wide board. The general tendency is to go for wider glide boards, though. The maximum user weight capacity of this device is 450 pounds, which is substantial. With a solid stability, the noiseless performance of this device is also solid. The nutritional plan of Dan Isaacson is included in this product too. Total Gym also provides the streaming of the various basic programs for workout for completely free for a year. If you are confused regarding any of those exercises, this streaming service will be very helpful.

[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”CHECK CURRENT PRICE” link=”” rel=”nofollow”][i2pros]High stability
Noiseless performance
Two-piece wing accessories and abs crunches accessories present[/i2pros][i2cons]On the pricier side
Glide board is narrow[/i2cons][/i2pc]

4. Total Gym GTS

The Total Gym GTS model is one of the machines that can be termed as a professional machine that is more suitable for professional fitness trainers. This model is an absolute premium one, with almost everything available on a commercial machine. The accessories provided with this device are the absolute best ones offered by the Total Gym lineup. The squat stand is extremely versatile, and it can be adjusted and customized such that squats can be performed easily by people of any height. The optimum angle for the exercise can be customized by the user with the help of the cable pulleys. Multiple accessories are included in this device, and all these accessories together are termed as the “Strength Package”, which is a GTS exclusive feature. The accessories include a lat bar which is cushioned, a pull-up bar with tri-grip, a Pilate’s toe-bar, and a modified abs attachment.

This device also includes the squat handle which is an absolute blessing for the amateurs for doing incline squats. The weight bar included is also extremely useful, which is directly fixed to the board. This weight bar is used for adjusting the weight which is used for setting up the resistance level. The resistance can be further adjusted with the help of bands. These bungee bands are, however, not able to provide even resistance. With addition of the bands, the resistance becomes extremely tight. The better option is to add weight on the board. The assembly of this device is also somewhat complex. However, the device is extremely solid and provides an unmatched stability level. The price is much higher. However, it is what is to be expected from such a premium device.

[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”CHECK CURRENT PRICE” link=”″ rel=”nofollow”][i2pros]Material is of commercial grade quality
Highly versatile
Options of over 200 exercises[/i2pros][i2cons]The price is costly
Accommodation can be slightly hectic
Usual long warranty period of Total Gym inclines is absent[/i2cons][/i2pc]

5. Total Gym Force

The last product on this list is the Total Gym Force, which is considered the best equipment for home gym by many. There are over 60 different varieties of workout available for performing, and this device is really one of a kind. You can perform all the basic exercises that will help you with the development of the main muscle groups of the body. These include the lats, deltoids, and pectorals in the upper part of the body, and calves, glutes, and hamstrings for the lower part of the body. If you want to include every single muscle group of your body, this device can help you do so. This device has dimensions of 92.5 x 16 x 43 inches in length, width, and height respectively. The maximum user weight capacity is around 350 pounds, which is decent. This device also comes with a one year warranty period.

There are multiple accessories that come with the Total Gym Force. All of these measures are to make sure that you can enjoy workout sessions of intense levels. The upper body exercise attachments include the press up bars and the dip, while the lower body exercise attachments include the squat stand and the leg pull. Wing attachments and abs crunch are also included for performing core exercises. The resistance can be adjusted and calibrated in 12 different settings. Total Gym Force is also easily foldable, and can be easily stored. The device also comes fully assembled out of the box. Along with these, you also get a meal plan, nutritional plan, exercise chart, and a DVD. Total emphasis has been made to make sure you can start a healthy lifestyle naturally.

[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”true” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” link_text=”CHECK CURRENT PRICE” link=”” rel=”nofollow”][i2pros]High quality materials and construction
Offers over 60 different extra exercises
Inclusion of meal plan and nutritional program[/i2pros][i2cons]The resistance is average
The maximum user weight capacity is decent[/i2cons][/i2pc]

What To Look For When Buying A Total Gym

Buying Guide

all-in-one in-home gymIn case you are confused which one to buy among these five, given below is a quick guide based on your needs and choices.

If you have a low budget, then the Total Gym Supreme is the best choice for you. If you want to invest massively, then the Total Gym GTS is the one to choose, which will provide you professional level performance with the premium equipment. You can practically do more than hundreds of different exercises. Total Gym Force is also on the premium side, with not so premium price. The Total Gym XLS and the Total Gym FIT belong in the middle ground, which balances cost with features. Total Gym XLS has a better versatility, a wider board, but it lacks the abs cruncher. The Total Gym FIT, on the other hand, comes with an abs cruncher, but has a narrow board.

Final Verdict

Thus, you have seen five of the best compact home gym that Total Gym lineup has to offer. The need for maintaining fitness is obvious, and it will only grow with time. So, it is quite expected the number of people demanding such workout tools for a proper home gym experience will also increase. With the Total Gym equipment series, it will be a popular choice among the people. Since people are not only concerned about getting in shape, but they also want to stay fit, therefore, they will choose the products which are comfortable yet effective. Also, not everyone has the time to visit a gym regularly, or to pay a hefty monthly gym subscription fee. In this segment, it is very hard for the other Weight Training Product Companies to provide such cost to performance ratio.

Therefore, if you are indeed going to buy an incline, buying from the best in the market at present is always an advantage. You will probably need to invest once. However, if you are serious about maintaining your fitness level, then such an investment will give you ten times the result. With better equipment, you will be able to achieve the results faster, and your home gym will also last for longer. No matter which device you choose, if you are choosing an incline from the Total Gym lineup, you can never go wrong.

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