Best Home Remedies for Chilblains Feet

Best Home Remedies for Chilblains Feet

Geloni are just one of many reasons to love the winter. The cooler temperatures, crisp air, and being cozied up in a blanket all day make for the perfect “winter blues” atmosphere. However, the winter also brings with it some not-so-pleasant conditions. Feet start sweating more than usual, and every little pothole can send sharp pains shooting up your legs. What happens next is a well-known phenomenon: chilblains. Chilblains are little red bumps that form on your skin if you spend too much time in frigid temperatures without enough airflow or moisture. These stubborn red bumps can make walking outside so unbearable that you’ll even consider resigning to your couch for the duration of the season.

What are Geloni?

Geloni are little red bumps that form on your skin if you spend too much time in frigid temperatures without enough airflow or moisture. They’re also known as winter itch, and they can form anywhere on your body, but they’re most common on your toes, hands, or feet. Chilblains usually affect people outside for extended periods (especially at night) in frigid temperatures. They’re most common in places with a strong winter climate, like northern Europe and the US. Geloni can be a real pain. The bumps form when your skin is too dry, and then you get itchy and swollen. The capillaries in your skin are engorged with blood, making the skin feel swollen. The itching and swelling can get so bad that you’ll have red bumps all over your legs. Sometimes, you can even get chilblains on your lips, nose, or ears! But thankfully, there are some things you can do to get rid of the painful and itchy symptoms of chilblains. You can even prevent them from happening in the first place. We’ll walk you through it.

How Do You Get Chilblains?

Chilblains occur because your skin is overly dried out and painful. When your skin is too dry, your nerve endings get more stimulated, and the blisters that form are redder and more prominent. There are a couple of ways to get chilblains. One is to be outside for too long in frigid temperatures. Chilblains also sometimes happen when you’re not used to cold weather without proper garb. You might be outside in thin or thin-fitting clothes or outdoors at night when it’s freezing. If you’re out in the cold, you’re at a higher risk of getting chilblains. Chilblains can also be caused by your tattoos or certain skin conditions, like psoriasis.

Best Home Remedies For Chilblains Feet

If you’re looking for home remedies for chilblains, we have to start this list with something for your feet. Geloni can be challenging for anyone, but they’re especially painful for people with dry skin on their feet. If your feet are dehydrated and calloused, you’re at a higher risk of getting chilblains. Also, if you wear shoes that don’t fit well, you might be walking around in your shoes for the entire day with little to no air circulating your feet. This can make your feet more prone to chilblains. If you have dry, cracked, or calloused feet, try using a foot cream or moisturizing foot soak. You can also try foot steamers to soften your dry skin and help improve the airflow in your shoes. Sometimes, this is all you need to prevent chilblains and keep your feet happy. You can also try using a pair of socks that wicks moisture away from your feet to help keep them dry.

How to Avoid Getting Chilblains

If you spend too much time outside while it’s cold, you’re more likely to get chilblains. The best way to avoid this painful condition is to stay inside when it’s too hard. If you have to go outside, try to wear socks and shoes that wick away moisture from your feet. Also, try to stay inside for more extended periods when it’s cold outside. If you have to go out for a short period, keep your shoes on, cover yourself up with a scarf or jacket, and stay off your feet as much as possible. Remember, it’s not just about the temperature; and it’s also about the humidity and the amount of air circulation in your environment.

Tips Before you go out

It’s not just how cold it is but how much of it you’re getting. Cold air can feel much worse than cold temperatures because it’s dry and doesn’t circulate air and warm air. So, if you can avoid going outside for long periods or stay inside in a warm environment, you’ll be much better off. – Wear socks that wick away moisture from your feet. – Wear warm boots or shoes that wick away moisture and insulate your feet. – Stay off your feet as much as possible. – Try a foot steam treatment to loosen tight skin on your feet. – Wear an insulating pair of socks that keeps your feet warm. – Drink warm liquids to keep your body warm. – Apply a foot cream or moisturizer to keep your feet soft and moisturized. – Use a foot steam treatment to open up your pores and help your feet breathe better. Ensure your home is adequately insulated, and keep your doors and windows closed when cold outside. – Make sure that your heater isn’t too hot and that you’re wearing enough layers. – If you have psoriasis or certain tattoos, you might be more prone to getting chilblains. – If your skin on your feet is too dry, try using a foot cream or moisturizing foot soak to soften your skin. – If your toenails are too dry, you might be more prone to getting chilblains. You can try filing your nails, using a moisturizing foot soak or foot cream on your nails, or scratching your nails on a rough surface to buff off the dry skin.

Final Words

We hope this article helped you learn about Geloni and how to get rid of them with help from natural remedies. If you’re out in the cold and your feet get painful red bumps, try applying a foot steam treatment to loosen the swollen skin on your feet and let more air circulate your feet. These home remedies will help soften your skin and improve the airflow in your shoes, preventing chilblains from reoccurring. You can also try wearing socks that wick away moisture from your feet and keep your feet warm.

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