Dorian Yates Workout Routine

Dorian Yates Workout Routine & Diet Plan

There was one bodybuilder who was talking about the time of old-school bodybuilding and altered the sport altogether. Dorian Yates was none but the largest. The bodybuilding fellows and his time’s judges called him a “shadow.” They dubbed him because he used to compete in bodybuilding when no one expects him, and he pulled a win at the top.

Who Is Dorian Yates?

Dorian Yates

From 1992 until 1997, Dorian Yates controlled the competition world. Six times in a row, he earned the desired Mr Olympia title that makes him a significant person in the hall of fame for bodybuilding. Dorian Yates was nothing but a bodybuilding innovator. He also emphasised the use of huge dimensions together with the concentration on aesthetics. The term “MASSTHETICS” can be claimed to have a father. Dorian Yates looked like a mountain as he was on the stage. He was aesthetical and enormous enough to envy Mount Rushmore.

Dorian talks about his meal plan and training in many interviews, Instagram chat, and other social media platforms. Dorian Yates has a standard HIT training regimen (High-Intensity Training). Every day Dorian eats a bunch of calories to keep his physique huge. See the body statistics and accomplishments of Dorian Yates.

Muscle development training sessions at Dorian Yates were somewhat different from typical routines. His training regimen was primarily oriented to extensive volume sessions rather than to high-intensity sessions. What was the basic framework of his exercise regimen and the split he followed? In the following parts, we will get through all of them.

Dorian Yates Body Stats

  • Height: 78 m (5′ 10″).
  • Competition -265-282 pounds weight
  • Weight – 290-309 pounds of off-season
  • Tower – 57 cm
  • Tail – 34 cm
  • Biceps – 22 cm
  • Thighs – 30 centimetres
  • Bowls – 22 cm

Dorian Yates: Height | Weight | Arms | Chest

We need to concentrate on our food and training plan to have a healthy physical body. He is rigorously following his diet and training regimen. Since he was interested in the bodybuilding industry, he started to the gym and developed muscle and weight.

Diet Plan Of Dorian Yates

Dorian Yates talked a few times about the shift in his diet but focused on carbohydrates and proteins throughout the years. The one thing that appears to have worked for him well is not to overdo it before training on the carbohydrates.

Without a fat build-up, this may be the secret to his muscular mass.

  • Breakfast: 10 egg white oatmeal and several protein powder scoops; breakfast:
  • Snack: Snack before your first workout
  • Lunch with lots of veggies and rice: 2-4 chicken breasts
  • Snack: Another big shake of protein
  • Dinner: 12 ounces plus lean steak in size with plenty of rice and potatoes.
  • Snack: An additional 6-wheat oatmeal dish.

Diet Plan Of Dorian Yates

When we talk about diet, all your body’s health relies on what sort of diet we like to have in the body, such as calories and many aspects such as what to eat? You need to realise the essential component in gaining muscle is eating and sleeping. Let’s look at the nutrition of Dorian Yates.

Dorian has an exceptional flawless protein-carbon equilibrium and several similar elements to keep when making a dietary plan. During his competing days, he feels his diet has seen numerous improvements.

Dorian food at intervals of 2-3 hours. He produces his food and adds food sources such as lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and green veggies.

The food mentioned above plan shows us that Dorian consumes in one day to keep his vast muscles and weight. Dorian takes steroids and supplements. Seeing you eat about six meals every day at Dorian. We all realise that bodybuilding exercise is crucial, but the way your body looks plays a significant part in nutrition & food.

Dorian Yates Weekly Workout Routine

Dorian Yates Workout

The Dorian Yates practice and training style involves high-intensity exercise, which pushes your body to the maximum.

  • Monday

Exercise on the shoulder Smith machine, Triceps, and Abs Dorian yachts Press the shoulder: 2 set from 10 to 12 representatives and one set from 8 to 10 representatives.

Dumbbell raises laterally: 2 10-12 repetitions sets and one 8-10 reps heavy set.

One side cable raises 1 set of 10-12 repetitions and 8-10 reps heavy unit.

Dumbbell shrugs: 1 10-12 shrugs and 8-10 shrugs

Cable press: 2 sets of 10-12 representatives and one heavy 8-10 representatives

The Triceps EZ-Bar Extensions: 1 10-12 repetitions set and 8-10 reps heavy set

Sit-ups Chair: 20 representatives

Crunches: 20 representatives.

Crunches backwards: 20 reps

  • Tuesday

Dumbbell Pullover: two sets of 10 to 12 representatives and one heavy group of 8 to 10 representatives.

Hammer Pulldowns: 2 sets of 10-12 representatives and one group of 8-10 representatives.

Hammer with reverse grip 1 set with 10 to 12 reps and one set with eight to ten reps’ pull-downs.

One-arm Dumbbell Row: 1 set with 10-12 representatives and a heavy pack with 8-10 representatives

Cable with a wide grip. Row: a set of 10-12 representatives and a heavy group of 8-10 representatives.

Barbell Deadlift: 1 10-12 reps set and one 8-10 Reps heavy set

  • Wednesday

Rest on this day

  • Thursday

Dorian yacht exercise chest, biceps, and Abs Day chest, biceps,

Barbell’s Tilt Bench Press: 2 10-12 repetitions sets and 8-10 reps with one high intensity

Bench Press decay: 2 sets 10-12 representatives and one large set 8-10 representatives.

Incline Dumbbell Flyes (45 degrees): 2 sets of 10-12 representatives and one group of 8-10 representatives.

Flat Dumbbell Flyes: 2 10-12 repetitions and a robust 8-10 representative set

Machine Chest Press: 2 sets with 10-12 representatives and one length with 8-10 representatives.

Cable crossover: 2 cables from 10 to 12 and one cable crossover from 8 to 10.

Incline Dumbbell Biceps Curl: 2 10-12 sets and 8-10 sets.

Curl: 2 sets of 10-12 representatives with one heavy group of 8-10 representatives

Chest, biceps, and abs are the emphasis of this workout.

  • Friday

Rest on Friday

Saturday: Judgments

Yachts of Dorian legs

Legs extensions: 2 10-12 representative sets and one heavy 8-10 representative set.

Leg press: 2 sets of 10-12 representatives and a heavy group of 8-10 representatives.

Hack Squat: 2 sets of 10–12 representatives and a heavy set of 8–10 representatives

Sitting Hamstring curl: 2 sets from 10-12 representatives and a heavy set from 8-10 representatives.

Deadlift: 1 set of 10-12 repetitions and 8-10 reps heavy set.

Calf Press: 1 set 10-12 representatives and a heavy set of 8-10 representatives.

Calf raising seated: one set of 10-12 reps and one set of 8-10 reps.

  • Rest on Sunday

You could believe it appears easy to perform this program, as he does not seem to undertake many different training sessions. However, it would help to remember that he would push himself to fail by the utmost intensity in every workout.


  • Protein
  • BCAA
  • Glutamine


We hope this training guide gives you information on the Dorian Yates training division and routines thoroughly and descriptively. It may not indicate that you will undoubtedly win six Mr Olympia championships such as the Yates; nevertheless, that this type of advanced split will indeed prepare the sports enough for your body. If you seek to acquire a large muscle mass, then divide the Dorian Yates practice program into a Bible, and you’ll certainly gain more than you would think.

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